A community space for the community
True community engagement happens when you stop passively 'listening' to the needs of a community and instead give them the...
Summer at the Qube
YQ summer programme for a closer look at our summer programme! Please pass by to join in with our summer programme but as...
Youth clubs, buildings, safe spaces,
Some of our best youth and family work happens at what we call 'the in-between' and for that single reason we believe...
Youth work course at the Qube
It was great to have LEAP deliver their Working with challenging behaviour youth work course at the Qube this week.
Meetings – March to May
Launch Our Space project 14th March 2019. Launch of our space project @ Yellow Qube – Free food! Community steering...
2018 – What we did
We are very proud that in 2018 the majority of our output was either free or by donation.
Can Yellow Qube help your project?
Everyday we are having conversations with people or organisations who have an idea, a plan for a project and the intention...
When the kids & parents of the Qube met the Home secretary Amber Rudd
Kids? Or young people? The wording ‘Young person’ indicates responsibility or accountability on par with a young adult?...