A community space for the community

True community engagement happens when you stop passively ‘listening’ to the needs of a community and instead give them the tools to make the change that they want.  This is all we have ever been doing at the Qube. Some projects have worked, others haven’t.

The important thing is that there is a continuous cycle of fresh thinking and evaluating.  This is why we gladly jumped on board the Our Space project which has been supported by Power to change and Ubele initiative.

The Our Space project recognises the importance of community buildings and how the physical assets are pivotal for giving a sometimes unheard crowd the opportunity of running and leading their own thing.

The project has given us a chance to widen our thinking about how we can truly embed an ethos of community leadership here at the Qube and the brilliant group of voluntary leaders that have formed as a result  have multiple skills in a variety of professions but with one key thing connecting them,  they are all passionate about truly empowering people who are facing tough times.

Tough times are of course a part of life, but when you have a community of people entrenched in tough times and a large scale media backlash telling you that wearing if they are wearing Nike trainers or owning a wide screen TV it does not constitute ‘tough-times’ then your power starts to slip away.

People are proud, they don’t wear a badge that tells you that they and their children have eaten weetabix all weekend.

Quite the opposite, they try extra hard and yes, they dress up in their work clothes, maybe put a pair of Nikes onjump on the bus and act like everyone else.

Lead positive change is the next part of the Our Space project,  a leadership programme curated by Georgina Wilson who has been key to how we have gently developed our community engagement and empowerment programmes here at the Qube.

Our Space has given us an opportunity to work with leaders who might not come from the normal ‘pool’. They each reflect the differing levels of circumstances that people, families, young and old are up against and their passion for helping lead this project comes from a basic understanding that empowering and giving people a voice can lift people out of something.

The Qube is not unique in what it does but it needs people and organisations to recognise that listening is a small part, a true commitment to empowering is a far more essential part.

To join our community – come along, our two-monthly meetings are open to all and the door for conversations about doing stuff at the Qube is constantly open.

Wednesday 18th September 6pm

Wednesday 13th November 6pm

Summer at the Qube

YQ summer programme for a closer look at our summer programme!

Please pass by to join in with our summer programme but as usual there will continue to be loads of time available for those of you that like to pop in informally – Tuesdays 3 – 6pm are key to that or what about trying a bit of music every Sunday 11 – 1pm? Give us a call or email on info@yellowqube.org



Youth clubs, buildings, safe spaces,

Some of our best youth and family work  happens at what we call ‘the in-between’ and for that single reason we believe strongly in place-based youth and community hubs.

The in-between is the dead time between sessions/stuff, the in-between works for those popping in and generally its the ‘popping in’ crowd that seem to be the most in need of a safe space.

A few weeks ago, an unknown young person stopped by 3 times after school, just watching what was going on, but not wanting to join in, he sat in an office got out his school work and he fell asleep.

We don’t need to draw any conclusions about what was going on for him, but he needed to sleep and it so happens that we are happy for that to occasionally happen.

There is no barrier here at the QUbe, no reception, no welcome desk, that is all on purpose. This is a building built for the community and in our journey towards finding our feet, we find ourselves on the edge of a traumatised set of young people.

Those young people or children (as we like to say) need organisations that are willing to truly take an open-door approach but most importantly, places to feel safe.




Youth work course at the Qube

It was great to have LEAP deliver their Working with challenging behaviour youth work course at the Qube this week.

Leap is an award-winning national youth charity that provides inspirational conflict management programmes and support to young people and the professionals working with them.

Find out more about them.

Meetings – March to May

Launch Our Space project
14th March 2019. Launch of our space project @ Yellow Qube – Free food!

Community steering meetings

Wednesday 27th March 6.30 – 7.30pm
Wednesday 29th May 2019 6.30 – 7.30pm

These meetings are for people to find out about the programme at the Yellow Qube and become involved in helping to direct the work at the Qube.

2018 – What we did

We are very proud that in 2018 the majority of our output was either free or by donation, listed below are a few of our highlights…
  • Leap Confronting Conflict worked intensely with a group of young men to promote positive and healthy reactions and behaviour around conflict.
  • St Matthews project (SMP) used the facility to run football leadership programmes and small groupwork sessions in collaboration with The Well centre.
  • Kinetika Bloco continued to bring the music with their weekly Tulse Hill Bloco
  • B2B Women’s group met weekly at the Qube
  • Local artists ran community arts and drama closed sessions at the qube
  • ScarioFunk delivered Zumba and dance sessions at the Qube
  • LAS steelpans based themselves at the Qube
  • Free parties and baby showers were thrown for those who could not afford to hire
  • Local group of women organised an end of year Winter Ball for local adults
  • Groove school started their weekly DJ/music classes
  • Lambeth council held meetings for their learners & leaders at the Qube
  • Entrepreneurs used the space to work for free
  • Families came and used the cooker to cook their weekly dinners
  • High Trees ran a weekly youth session up until May
  • Young people came to do their homework (school and Uni) when the offices were free
  • Local people came and borrow books
  • The Home Secretary Amber Rudd visited to talk to parents and young people about gangs
  • BUD carried out community research & connected with over 5000 local people
  • Parents delivered first hand experience of knife crime to children and young people’s scrutiny in Lambeth
  • Young people from Tulse Hill Bloco performed at the wordly renound Ronnie Scotts
  • A young person was awarded young leader of the year (leap award)
  • Volunteers came and helped with EVERYTHING!