We are very proud that in 2018 the majority of our output was either free or by donation, listed below are a few of our highlights…
  • Leap Confronting Conflict worked intensely with a group of young men to promote positive and healthy reactions and behaviour around conflict.
  • St Matthews project (SMP) used the facility to run football leadership programmes and small groupwork sessions in collaboration with The Well centre.
  • Kinetika Bloco continued to bring the music with their weekly Tulse Hill Bloco
  • B2B Women’s group met weekly at the Qube
  • Local artists ran community arts and drama closed sessions at the qube
  • ScarioFunk delivered Zumba and dance sessions at the Qube
  • LAS steelpans based themselves at the Qube
  • Free parties and baby showers were thrown for those who could not afford to hire
  • Local group of women organised an end of year Winter Ball for local adults
  • Groove school started their weekly DJ/music classes
  • Lambeth council held meetings for their learners & leaders at the Qube
  • Entrepreneurs used the space to work for free
  • Families came and used the cooker to cook their weekly dinners
  • High Trees ran a weekly youth session up until May
  • Young people came to do their homework (school and Uni) when the offices were free
  • Local people came and borrow books
  • The Home Secretary Amber Rudd visited to talk to parents and young people about gangs
  • BUD carried out community research & connected with over 5000 local people
  • Parents delivered first hand experience of knife crime to children and young people’s scrutiny in Lambeth
  • Young people from Tulse Hill Bloco performed at the wordly renound Ronnie Scotts
  • A young person was awarded young leader of the year (leap award)
  • Volunteers came and helped with EVERYTHING!